05/02/2021- I share your concern about those with learning disabilities, but I believe that, at least for the initial round of prioritisations, the vaccine must be given to those who are most at risk from Covid-19.
I know that the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) – which is responsible for setting the vaccine priorities – has carefully considered the position of those with learning disabilities. Current evidence strongly indicates however that the single greatest risk of mortality from Covid-19 is increasing age and that the risk increases exponentially with age, with the exception of the clinically extremely vulnerable. This is why the current priority rankings focus on these groups.
Currently, the JCVI has only set the priority for the 9 most at-risk groups and they are in the process of establishing priorities for the next round of vaccinations. Once the most vulnerable have been vaccinated I think there is scope for including other groups, based on individual risk and other factors. I am happy to raise this issue with the Department of Health to ensure that the position of people with learning disabilities is again looked at closely.