Flick helps Butser Ancient Farm access support 12th October 2020 Meon Valley MP Flick Drummond has been thanked by a local open-air museum after the attraction secured £285,000 from the government to help it remain open... Local News
Christmas in Parliament - Competition! 30th September 2020 Christmas in Parliament! Calling all children across the Meon Valley!! Today I am very excited to be launching my constituency Christmas Card competition. The... Local News
Visit to Bowman Ales to discuss Small Breweries' Relief 28th September 2020 Meon Valley MP Flick Drummond is to ask the government to reconsider its planned changes to Small Breweries’ Relief (SBR) after being told it would devastate... Local News
Flick joins Trashbusters in Waterlooville 21st September 2020 Meon Valley MP Flick Drummond went out with local litter pickers Trashbusters at the weekend to help clear up a park in Waterlooville. Started only a few months... Local News
Visit to Hart Plain Infant School 21st September 2020 Meon Valley MP Flick Drummond has visited Hart Plain Infant School in Waterlooville to meet headteacher Ruth Kenny and hear about how pupils are doing at the... Local News
10th July: Flick Drummond visits Rowland Castle 10th July 2020 I went to Rowlands Castle just to thank all the businesses that have been working so hard. All of those have been open the whole way through Covid 19. It has... Local News
Flick's Vlog: Visiting Rowlands Castle 10th July 2020 10th July 2020 I stopped by Rowland’s Castle Pharmacy to thank Doctor Nemesh Patel, who has been working incredibly hard to support the local community through coronavirus. Local News
Weekly Update - 3rd July 3rd July 2020 This week kicked off with a long day in Parliament on Monday when we adjourned after 10pm. The Whips had been predicting it would be gone midnight, so it could... Local News