I was very pleased to have been asked to lay a wreath at A Service of Dedication of a Memorial Stone and Remembrance service this morning. The memorial stone is right by the South Downs Way between Warnford and Exton so walkers will see it as they pass. It commemorates the crash of a Horsa 1 glider close by and the Stirling plane pulling it which crashed 17 miles further near Romsey with the loss of 33 men, average age 25, in 4th April 1944. They were preparing for D Day.
It was lovely to see so many people there with connections to the various Armed Forces that were involved as well as local people. Children from Droxford Junior read out the names of those killed. It was a very moving ceremony and a big thank you to Major Will Pike and the committee for organising the stone and remembrance. A big thanks to Lt Col Ewen Stuart for the wonderful bagpipes. Sadly my video of the C130 that did a low by-pass at 12pm did not work.